Friday, September 27, 2013

Lolita Blog Carnival: Take one staple Item and Make 5 Looks

This week's Lolita blog carnival was to take a staple item and make 5 co-ordinates out of it. 
I think first and foremost, a petticoat is very important because Lolita is known for that shape. However I decided to choose my second most important staple, a white blouse. Its nice to have both a short sleeve and a long sleeve depending on the weather. If you can nab a detachable sleeve version, I highly recommend that as well. I feel that a white blouse is a very useful staple, and co-ordinates with everything, even ivory. You can also use a black blouse instead, but I feel white is more like a blank sheet of paper waiting for the magic to happen.
Angelic Pretty- Lucky Pack Blouse
I was fortunate to get my lucky pack blouse from the comm_sales for around 60 dollars. There are other options such as BodyLine but if you really want a brand staple piece, you might get lucky to find a brand blouse for roughly the same price as a bodyline blouse. They are generally lucky pack blouses, so keep on the look out for that.
If you do not fit into brand there are off brand choices such as F21, and even Taobao, with their sometimes custom sizing.
Blouse + JSK- Angelic Pretty
Capelet- Fan + Friend

One of my favorite things to do when I coordinate, is soften the look of a JSK with a more feminine vibe. Fruits Parlor is known for its OTT co-ordinates, but I really wanted to tone it down and that is where the caplet comes in. The Print is still visible but it looks more like a sweet/classic look. Also note that the AP blouse is still present under the JSK.
Blouse + Socks- Angelic Pretty
JSK- Innocent World
Accessories- Emily Temple Cute, Off Brand

 In this co-ordinate, I played with both white and Ivory as its neutral colors with a pop of red. Because I have a white blouse under my ivory colored JSK, I can pair it up with a pair of white socks with red polkadots. I can then wear red shoes to complete the look.
JSK, Blouse + Tights- Angelic Pretty
Accessories- Dearie, Automatic Honey, Handmade

This co-ord is very similar to one I put together for Anime Expo this year. Although its somewhat busy, it still has the basic blouse underneath. This coordinate gives more of a royal look with the gold accents, and personally, I love gold with white! 
Blouse, Headbow+ JSK- Angelic Pretty
Socks- LemonTree11
Necklace- Emily Temple Cute

This looks super fancy, but its just the JSK that makes it look a bit busy. Its one of the things I like about DDC, you can play it up without trying much at all. Aside from the extravagance of the JSK. This is a very basic co-ordinate. I would rate this beginner status. Look at it closely, its merely, a headbow, the same staple white blouse, an accessory and a pair of tights (which can be switched to socks easily). However the blouse really helps complete the overall look. I feel that sometimes if you create a basic co-ordinate, you can begin to consider color blouses or things that you think you can include in a basic look that will help you in the long run. This is why its important to know the basics, so that you know what direction you can head to afterwards.
Blouse- Angelic Pretty
JSK-Alice and the Pirates
Necklace- Emily Temple Cute
The great thing about a white blouse is that you can pair it up with any substyle. Earlier you saw more sweeter styles, but a white blouse can work with a more subdue look like Classic and Gothic. Of course, wearing a black blouse would give it a different look, but white still works with all substyles. This is a basic classic co-ordinate, where really, the point of the look is the print on the JSK. 

Overall, a white blouse really goes a long way. Before you even consider what substyle you'd like to try out, a white blouse is the second most important staple item that will never go wrong and will stick with you even till you've decided what you want to do with the fashion.
Hope this helps.


~*~*~*~Lolita Blog Carnival~*~*~*~

This is a fun group that suggests themes and topics to blog about with regards to lolita fashion. Its lots of fun and very informative. If you have a blog, I suggest checking this group out by click on the banner on the table to your left.
Also check out other people who also posted about this weeks topic as well:

HelloBatty  ~ Alice in Lolita Land  
Lace A La Mode ~ A Life in Disguise ~ Make Lovely


  1. Super cute coords! A white blouse is something every lolita should own.

  2. I like how versatile and foundational a good quality white blouse can be in creating different Lolita looks.


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